Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Jersey Wedding Planner - Cake Toppers for Everyone

The Team was in a design meeting one day when we came across cake toppers in one of the bridal books we were browsing through, and let me tell you, I was surprisingly amazed. I know that you can get monogrammed cake toppers, but as for the people cake toppers, I was one of those people who thought they only came in the plastic bride and groom statues with one look and no options -- you know the one I'm talking about. I was so wrong. I had no idea what great toppers were out there. You can customize, personalize, and specialize your very own cake toppers to virtually anything you want. There are humorous cake toppers, elegant cake toppers, themed cake toppers, bobble head cake toppers, character cake toppers, outrageous cake toppers, sporting cake toppers.. and all of them are great! Whether you're short, tall, thin, curvy, blonde, brunette, pregnant or not... you can find YOU.

This is a great way to show off a side of you to the guests that you normally wouldn't get to at your wedding. There are also places where you can send in a picture of yourself and they create you as a couple. If you don't want statues on the top, you can go for custom monograms, animals, beloved characters, flowers, trees, or even have a photo of you two engraved. If you want to go crazy with something at your wedding, but don't know what... this is the perfect solution for you!! I'm attaching some photos so you can see just a glimpse of all the great toppers you can choose from.

All I did was Google "wedding cake toppers" and found a huge selection. Start personalizing your own today. Good luck and go crazy!


Photo Sources:


wedding cakes toppers said...

really nice and unique wedding cakes toppers, thanx share it

wedding gifts said...

Very creative, and unique, yet practical and appropriate for the occasion.

Thank you for some great ideas!